Almost Everything with Jeffery Saddoris
I released my first podcast in 2009. I was hooked and have been recording deep-dive conversations with interesting and creative people about what they do and why they do it ever since. I’m taking cues from some of my interview heroes like Dick Cavett, Johnny Carson, and Studs Terkel and distilling the conversations I record into one show. I’m calling it Almost Everything with Jeffery Saddoris and on each episode, I’ll be talking to both creatives and everyday people about their unique stories and lived experiences.
Almost Everything with Jeffery Saddoris
Iteration 116: Almost Back to Normal
I’m still not quite 100% myself, but I wanted to share a quick update. Yesterday was day 12 since testing positive for COVID, and it was the first day that I finally tested negative. Both Adrianne and I had very mild cases, especially compared to some of our friends and family members who really had a it bad. I had a temperature of 100.8 for one day and, other than feeling fatigued and brain fogged for the past week or so, that was pretty much it. Adrianne had it a little worse than me, but not much. The most frustrating part was continuing to test positive for days after the symptoms had subsided. And according to the latest from the CDC, you can continue to test positive for 90 days.
Twitter: @jefferysaddoris
Instagram: @jefferysaddoris
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Music For Workplaces by Jeffery Saddoris