Almost Everything with Jeffery Saddoris

Know Thy [Creative] Self

For the past few weeks, maybe even the past month or so, I’ve been on sort of an Ethan Hawke deep dive. I like Ethan Hawke as an actor and while I haven’t seen everything he’s ever done, I really like Training Day and I would probably put Dead Poets Society and Gattaca in my top 20 — actually, maybe top 30. I know some people find him pretentious, but whenever I’ve seen him interviewed, he always seemed like a good guy. A few years ago, he did a TED Talk called Give Yourself Permission to be Creative that popped up in my feed recently, and watching it again reminded me how much I resonate with a lot of the same ideas he has about creativity. For example, one of the first things he says in the talk is “…a lot of people really struggle to give themselves permission to be creative, and reasonably so, we’re all a little suspect of our own talent.” I think we’ve all felt the same way at one point or another in our lives. I know I have. Whether it’s Imposter Syndrome or the nagging voice of Resistance, occasionally doubting our own talents and gifts seems to be par for the course when trying to live a creative life — and that’s before we even get to purpose, which is a completely different animal.

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Give Yourself Permission to be Creative | Ethan Hawke | TED
Maya and Ethan Hawke’s Closet Picks
In the Screening Room with Ethan Hawke and Maya Hawke
What No One Told Ethan Hawke About Being Famous
How Ethan Hawke Ended Up In Taylor Swift's New Music Video

Instagram: @jefferysaddoris

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