Almost Everything with Jeffery Saddoris
I released my first podcast in 2009. I was hooked and have been recording deep-dive conversations with interesting and creative people about what they do and why they do it ever since. I’m taking cues from some of my interview heroes like Dick Cavett, Johnny Carson, and Studs Terkel and distilling the conversations I record into one show. I’m calling it Almost Everything with Jeffery Saddoris and on each episode, I’ll be talking to both creatives and everyday people about their unique stories and lived experiences.
Almost Everything with Jeffery Saddoris
Deep Natter 76: A Copy of a Copy
In this episode, Maarten Rots joins me from the Netherlands for a terrific conversation talking about a recent salon group show he was in and the importance of saying yes to putting our work out into the world. Plus, I pitch him an idea for a potential new zine project and we even talk a little bit about AI…just a little.
Kristopher Matheson
Everything’s a Remix on AI
Brian Eno biography (via Amazon)
John Cage biography (via Amazon)
Website: https://www.maartenrots.nl
Instagram: @maartenrots
March & Rock magazine: https://marchandrock.com
Website: https://jefferysaddoris.com
Substack: https://jefferysaddoris.substack.com
Instagram: @jefferysaddoris
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Jeffery Saddoris